Our Timeline
This section of our website will detail how we came to our project idea and how this has progressed throughout the quarter.
1. Research
First, we looked into the websites from previous years to see what they had helped Salma with, and learned more about his work.
2. Meeting with Salma
We met with Salma to determine some possible ideas for his project. Initially, there were talks of sourcing Moringa (a superfood) for Salma to grow for a profit, but this was something that would be easier for Salma to do himself.
3. Brainstorm
Salma got back to us with some ideas to help him, which included funding sources, access to fruits and vegetables from the US, curriculum training for farmers, and data collection from users.
4. Meeting Again
We met with Salma and discussed more what he would need from us, and more of our ideas. We also discussed with Pete and determined that these options were not super attainable for us, so we went back to the drawing board.
5. New Ideas
This time, we decided we wanted to build Salma a website. We realized that when you googled Salma's name, only a Facebook page came up. Considering he is applying for grants and will possibly be seeking more help from Westerners, a website is a useful way to help learn more about Salma.
6. A Website!
We ran this idea by Salma, and he approved, so we got started. We wanted the website to include info about Salma as a person, about his projects, and about Togo.